Heart songs

A heart song is a song made especially for you. It is created instantly as an improvisation. Or through a conversation, after which I will make the song for you.

Created in het moment

You bring in a theme live and then inspiration arises in that moment for a song that I immediately play for you. Listen an example here.

Theme of Somesh

Dit is het lied dat ter plekke voor Somesh ontstond:

Gecomposed and recorded in the studio

Song for Marke

Song for TEDex – A new day

Would you like a heart song for yourself, a loved one or your company? Don’t hesitate tot contact me below.


7 + 2 =

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Jasper Merle | Kvk nr. 09222261
Website door Webbouwen aan de keukentafel

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Ja ik ontvang graagwekelijks een musical message

Dankjewel voor je inschrijving. Je ontvangt elke week een musical message.